Digital Data FAQs

You can find the most frequently asked questions about Digital Data here.

ACES stands for Advanced Chartworld ENC Service. It’s a ChartWorld service to supply SENC data to your vessel.

Faster installation
Less data transfer
No errors during SENC conversion because CW handles this operation ashore before sending it to the ship.




24/7 chart support via our office staff in Singapore, Cyprus, New Zealand and Hamburg.

Permits will be sent to you via your communication system and email. You can choose:

  • A completed automated process that delivers permits in minutes.
  • Manual intervention for cost control which we deliver within 4 hours.

Depending on the update procedure:

  • Via Email
  • Online
  • From the agent
  • Burned by the shipping company’s office staff and via ship’s mail


Your charts have to be up to date before every voyage, but only for the area you intend to sail through. You don’t have to update the complete world folio if all that you need for the time being is to pass through the Kiel Canal.

Updates are available once a week, on Friday.

You will have the option to:

Process all orders via your office

Always control all chart activities via our ePortal

Overview and general charts are available for the whole world.

Some minor ports (in South America, in most cases) are still not available; paper charts will be required.


All ECDIS use their own SENC format

The difference is that most of the ECDIS manufacturers make an on-board transformation of the S-57 data to SENC.

We have a DNV approval for transforming the data on our Chart Server ashore.

You will use ChartBrowser for your complete fleet, subscribed under eChart.

We will set up a chart-handling procedure, together with arrangements customized to the particular needs of your company.

A permit or update request consists of 5 kilobytes.

The size of update files depends on the operating area of the vessel.

The average is 1-2 megabytes per week.

Depending on the flag your vessel is operating under, there are differences in backup requirements. Please talk with our experts.

Some flag states, like AB and NL, allow the option of operating with ARCS as a backup.

Other flag states ask for a reduced set of paper charts. The vessel’s master is to decide what a reduced set is.

Yes, but there will be freight charges for delivery of paper charts and nautical publications.
